
Intech Solutions

End-User License Agreement

End-User License Agreement

This Licence is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Intech Solutions Pty Ltd ABN 45 002 812 697 (Intech) for the Intech service or software product which you have purchased from Intech and may include associated media, printed materials, updates, and online or electronic documentation (collectively “Licensed Software”). By installing, copying or using the Licensed Software you agree to be bound by this licence.

  1. Ownership

    The Licensed Software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Intech owns the title, copyright, and other intellectual property rights in the Licensed Software. The Licensed Software is licensed to you for use subject to the terms and conditions in this Licence.

  2. Grant of Licence for IQ Easy Post Web

    This term only applies if you have purchased access to IQ Easy Post Web. Subject to payment of the licence fee as specified on Intech’s website, or otherwise quoted to you by Intech, Intech grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence for one individual to use the Licensed Software, on or from one computer or device, for the period specified by you in the corresponding page on Intech’s website (Term) and in accordance with the applicable Intech Online Services description. The Licensed Software may only be used for internal business purposes for the sole purpose of mail lodgement and in accordance with the following conditions:

    1. The maximum number of records that can be processed (a “Batch”) is strictly as specified by you in the corresponding page on Intech’s website, and
    2. The maximum number of records that can be processed during the Term is the number of days in the Term multiplied by the maximum number of records that you are entitled to process in a Batch.
  3. Grant of Licence for IQ Office Hosted Web Service (Prepaid)

    This term only applies if you have purchased access to IQ Office Hosted Web Service (Prepaid). Subject to payment of the licence fee as specified on Intech’s website or otherwise quoted to you by Intech, Intech grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence for one application to use the Licensed Software for the period specified by you in the corresponding page on Intech’s website or the period specified in a letter of offer from Intech for use of the IQ Office Hosted Web Service (Term). The Licensed Software may only be used for internal business purposes and in accordance with the Intech Online Services description. The maximum number of Lookups as defined in the applicable Intech Online Services description that can be performed during the Term is the amount specified by you in the corresponding page on Intech’s website or the amount specified in the letter of offer provided by Intech.

  4. Copying

    You may only use the Licensed Software for the Licensed Purpose approved by Intech and you must ensure that any copy of the Licensed Software made pursuant to this agreement bears notice of Intech’s ownership of copyright.

  5. No Modifications

    You must not modify or reverse assemble the Licensed Software.

  6. No Selling

    You must not sell, rent or lease the Licensed Software.

  7. Support

    Support services are not required to be provided by this agreement.

  8. Disclaimer

    To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Licensed Software is provided as is with all faults and all implied or statutory warranties excluded and if they cannot be excluded then liability for their breach is limited to resupply of the applicable Licensed Software. Intech shall not be liable for any special, indirect, consequential or incidental loss or damage including but not limited to loss of business opportunity, business interruption, lost profits or for punitive or exemplary damages. Intech’s total liability to you in respect of all claims relating to this agreement or the Licensed Software shall be strictly limited to the greater of the amount actually paid by you for the Licensed Software or AUD$5.

  9. Third Party Data
    1. Third Party Data End User Terms means the terms required by third party data providers to be included in agreements for sub-licensing of third party data which are available on the Intech website downloads page or upon request from Intech.
    2. Intech has entered into licence agreements with third party data providers in relation to the use of and sub-licensing of third party data.
    3. If the Licensed Software includes third party data, then this agreement includes a sub-licence for the use of the relevant third party data and with respect to that sub-licence the relevant provisions in the Third Party Data End User Terms are incorporated into this agreement.
    4. Intech will use its reasonable endeavours to extend or renew the relevant third party data licence agreements for the Term. In the event that any relevant third party data licence agreement expires or is terminated and is not renewed or extended, then the relevant parts of this agreement and the ongoing fees relating to them will be removed from this agreement with effect from the date of termination of the third party data licence agreement.
    5. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of the Third Party Data End User Terms and any other provisions of this agreement, then the provisions of the Third Party Data End User Terms will prevail with respect to the relevant third party data including the provisions regarding the term of the licence to the third party data and permitted use of the third party data.
  10. Termination

    Either party may terminate this agreement immediately by written notice if the other party becomes subject to any form of insolvency administration. Intech may terminate this agreement immediately by written notice if you are in breach and such breach has not been remedied within 14 days of notification. Upon termination or expiry of this Licence for any reason, you agree to destroy all copies of the Licensed Software.

  11. Confidentiality

    A party must not disclose the other party’s confidential information without the prior written approval of the other party.

  12. Governing Law

    This agreement is governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia.

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