
Intech Solutions

Online Services Overview

Intech Online Services

This document describes the online services that are available for purchase from Intech Solutions Pty Ltd ABN 45 002 812 697 (“Intech”) on its Website.

  1. IQ East Post Web

    Service Description

    This service provides a solution for processing data in preparation for Australian barcoded mail lodgement. The self-managed process will reformat provided addresses into the compliant Australia Post address presentation standard and where appropriate will append the delivery point identifier (DPID), barcode and barcode sort plan (BSP) details required. It has the core functionality of IQ Easy Post for Windows, without the need to install and maintain any software on your PC.

    License Restrictions

    Under this service, subject to payment of the licence fee as specified on Intech’s website, or otherwise quoted to you by Intech, Intech will grants a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence for one individual to use the service, on or from one computer or device, for the period specified by you in the corresponding page on Intech’s website (Term). The service may only be used for internal business purposes for the sole purpose of mail lodgement and in accordance with the following conditions:

    The maximum number of records that can be processed (Batch) is strictly as specified by you in the corresponding page on Intech’s website, and

    The maximum number of records that can be processed during the Term is the number of days in the Term multiplied by the maximum number of records that you are entitled to process in a Batch.

  2. IQ Office Hosted Web Service (Prepaid)

    Service Description

    This service provides a quick, reliable and cost-effective method of capturing accurate addresses and adding value to address data. The service is a SOAP/XML and RESTful web service hosted by Intech that uses the functionality provided by our “best of breed” IQ Office Information Quality software. It enables users to validate and geographically code addresses over the internet, thereby improving accuracy and minimising infrastructure and upfront costs.

    The service provides an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows users to integrate the address validation and geographic coding functionality into existing application and data entry screens. Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) can also be provided for ‘standalone’ use. A full list of the available functions is included in the IQ Hosted Web Service API Guide that is provided to users when they connect to the IQ Hosted Web Service.

    The IQ Hosted Web Service can be used for Rapid (point-of-entry) address capture or in batch mode. In a Rapid Address capture scenario the functionality allows the user to quickly and accurately capture, validate, standardise, barcode and/or geographically code addresses at the point of data entry. In a Batch scenario the functionality allows the user to nominate a set of addresses as input and define processes such as either validating and barcoding addresses or validating and appending geographic codes to addresses.

    By accessing nationally authoritative Address Reference Files (ARFs), the service enhances the integrity of customer data. This is done by returning a customer address that is both valid in content (accuracy) and format (standard), whilst adding value and reducing data entry costs.

    The functionality of the service is warranted by Intech on a “best efforts” basis for the full term of the license. Intech will provide reasonable support services (having regards to the cost of the service) to assist the Customer in the use of the service.

    License Restrictions

    Under this service, subject to payment of the licence fee as specified on Intech’s website or otherwise quoted to you by Intech, Intech grants a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence for one application to use the service for the period specified by you in the corresponding page on Intech’s website or the period specified in a letter of offer from Intech for use of the IQ Office Hosted Web Service (Term). The service may only be used for internal business purposes. The maximum number of Lookups as defined below that can be performed during the Term is the amount specified by you in the corresponding page on Intech’s website or the amount specified in the letter of offer provided by Intech.

    The following table specifies the cost, in Lookups, for accessing each available data attribute via the API. The cost per call to the API will depend on the combination of data attributes being accessed:

    Available Lookups (name of actual API function may vary) QTY
    • Lookups can be combined and fees are cumulative
    • Price = total number of Lookups x price per Lookup (see plan options below)
    • Minimum 0.2 Lookup per submitted address (for GNAF)
    • Multiple Lookups may be required to return a valid or final address
    • Geographic Information Files (GIFs) are dependent on use of related Address Reference File (ARF)
    Embedded Australia Post (AU) Postal Address File (PAF) Address Reference File (ARF) for IQ Office
    To enable validation of Australian postal addresses
    Embedded Permission and Delivery (P&D) Geographic Information File (GIF) for AU PAF ARF
    To enable coding of Australian postal addresses to Res/Non-Res, Deliverable and NAM flags
    Embedded PSMA Ltd Geo-coded National Address File (GNAF) ARF for IQ Office
    To enable validation of Australian physical addresses
    Embedded Lat/Long GIF for GNAF ARF
    To enable geographic coding of Australian addresses to Latitude & Longitude
    Embedded Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) ASGS GIF for GNAF ARF
    To enable coding of Australian addresses to Mesh Block, SA1, SA2, SA3 & SA4 boundaries
    Embedded ABS ASGC GIF for GNAF ARF
    To enable coding of Australian addresses to Mesh Block, CCD & SLA boundaries
    Embedded Admin GIF for GNAF ARF
    To enable coding of Australian addresses to LGA, State & Federal electorates
    Embedded SEIFA GIF for GNAF ARF
    To enable coding of Australian addresses to ABS Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas boundaries
    Embedded SES GIF for GNAF ARF
    To enable coding of Australian addresses to Australian Government Education Socio-Economic Score Indexed to SA1 boundaries
    Embedded New Zealand Post (NZ) PAF ARF for IQ Office
    To enable validation of New Zealand postal addresses
    Embedded Lat/Long GIF for NZ PAF ARF
    To enable geographic coding of New Zealand postal addresses to Latitude & Longitude
    Embedded Mesh Block GIF for NZ PAF ARF
    To enable coding of New Zealand postal addresses to Mesh Block
    Embedded C-NAR ARF for IQ Office
    To enable validation of New Zealand physical addresses
    Embedded Lat/Long GIF for C-NAR ARF
    To enable geographic coding of New Zealand physical addresses to Latitude & Longitude
    Embedded Mesh Block GIF for C-NAR ARF
    To enable coding of New Zealand physical addresses to Mesh Block
    Embedded Land Parcel GIF for C-NAR ARF
    To enable coding of New Zealand physical addresses to Land Parcels
    Embedded DPID GIF for C-NAR ARF
    To enable coding of New Zealand physical addresses to Postal DPID
    To enable coding of New Zealand physical addresses to Mesh Block, Census Area Unit, Deprivation Index, Quintile Index, Domicile Index.
    Phone Number Validation Process
    To enable standardisation, verify conformance to telecommunications rules and numbering plan, identification of number type, coding of district, sector, and service type of Australian phone numbers. Some functionality available for New Zealand phone numbers.
    Phone Number Validation Service Process
    To enable validation and confirm connection status of Australian and NZ phone numbers.
    Email Address Validation Process
    To enable standardization of address components, verify syntax, Top Level and Registered domain and optionally test for available email server and inbox.
    Email Address Validation Service Process
    To enable validation and confirm activity status of mailbox.

    NOTE: Lookups available for use via the service are subject to change and may include Lookups not explicitly described in this document. The use of Lookups not explicitly described in this document will incur a value of at least one (1) Lookup.

    The customer is to select one of the below plans on the Website by clicking on the requested plan and when it does so the applicable pre-paid price (inclusive of GST) will be displayed:

    Included Lookups Plan Term
    1,000 1 month
    2,500 1 month
    15,000 3 months
    30,000 3 months
    90,000 6 months
    180,000 6 months
    600,000 12 months

    The customer can use the included Intech standard Windows Graphical User Interfaces (UIs) should the customer not wish to perform their own integration using the available HWS Application Programming Interface (API). The UIs can be configured to access the HWS SOAP interface with access controlled by the customer’s HWS login credentials:

    IQ Rapid Address Client User Interface
    For real-time/Point-of-Entry validation and geographic coding of addresses
    Requires ‘client only’ installation on each user’s machine
    Provides ‘auto complete’ functionality and list of candidate addresses from selected ARF
    IQ Standardiser Client User Interface
    For batch standardisation, validation and geographic coding of addresses
    Requires ‘client only’ installation on each user’s machine
    Provides detailed address validation and geo-coding quality flags
    Can be used to produce Australia Post AMAS bulk mail lodgement reports and New Zealand Post Statement of Accuracy report

    The service (including data returned from it) may only be used for internal business purposes of the customer to allow:

    1. The customer’s staff to validate and enhance address records owned (or received) by the customer against the AU PAF; and
    2. The customer’s staff to validate, enhance and geographically code address records owned (or received) by the customer against the NZ PAF; and
    3. The customer’s staff to validate, enhance and geographically code address records owned (or received) by the customer against the NZ CNAR; and
    4. The customer’s staff to validate, enhance and geographically code address records owned (or received) by the customer against the GNAF; and
    5. The customer’s staff to validate and enhance phone number records owned (or received) by the customer; and
    6. The customer’s staff to validate and enhance email address records owned (or received) by the customer.

    Data returned from the service must not be returned, presented or otherwise made available to third parties.

    Third parties may separately obtain their own licensing for data from Intech if they wish to receive data returned from the service or use the data in their own environment.

    The service will respond with an error code result to Lookups once the customer’s Included Lookups or plan term expire, whichever occurs first, and the customer will need to purchase a new plan to continue using the service.

    The customer can roll over unused Lookups into a new plan provided that the new plan is purchased before the current plan term expires.

    If the Customer purchases concurrent plans the Lookups included in each plan and the term of each plan will be cumulative. However, the maximum of all cumulative terms purchased concurrently must not exceed 24 months.

    If the customer purchases multiple plans at the same time the terms will be counted consecutively, up to a maximum of 24 months.

    If the Customer purchases new plans during the current term then the current plan will be extended by the new plan term.

    While noting the maximum of 24 months, the Customer can accumulate as many Lookups as required by purchasing the requisite number plans in whatever combination yields the desired number of Lookups. This will enable the Customer to supplement a plan if they anticipate exceeding the included Lookups during the term of that plan.

  3. Data Pack for IQ Office Hosted Web Service (Existing Users)

    Service Description

    This service allows existing customer users of Intech’s IQ Office Hosted Web Service to purchase additional included Lookups during a Plan Term.

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