
Address Validation & Geocoding

How to implement a single customer view

How to create a single customer view

Most large, successful businesses or organisations that exist today once started small, building around a single great idea—be it a product, service, or solution that addressed a need in the marketplace. Small organisations naturally want to attract more customers so they can gradually—or sometimes rapidly—turn into large organisations. New divisions and departments will need to

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Geocoding Software Location Intelligence

Where in the World Are You? Harnessing the Power of Geocoding Software for Your Organisation.

When someone asks us, “Who are you?” – there is a multitude of ways we could answer.
However, when someone asks us, “Where are you?” – the answer tends to be much simpler.
Technologically speaking, the process of identifying those millions of data points on a digital map is known as geocoding.
Geocoding information comes from…

Where in the World Are You? Harnessing the Power of Geocoding Software for Your Organisation. Read More »

Address Validation

Address Validation: Understanding Location Intelligence

Having looked at why using an Address Validation service for your customer database is vitally important for effective business in our last blog post, this month we take a deeper, more technical dive into Intech’s solution to help you understand how it all works together to deliver the service known as location intelligence, and the benefits of the solution.

Address Validation: Understanding Location Intelligence Read More »

The Gold Is In The Data

The Goldmine In Your CRM System – Why customer data is your most valuable business asset

Ask any successful business owner which customers they value the most, and they’ll tell you it’s the ones that keep coming back to buy again. Once a business has established its customer base, estimations are that somewhere between 60 to 80 percent of future business will come from that existing group of customers. So clearly,

The Goldmine In Your CRM System – Why customer data is your most valuable business asset Read More »

Ensuring Accurate Data In Your CRM – Part 2: What to expect from a data quality specialist

So, you need to improve and rapidly scale your online and retail adoption and customer experience and you’ve identified that it’s not the CRM that’s holding you back, it’s the data. The quality information your business needs to serve new and potential customers. That’s a problem in any economic climate, but it is even more

Ensuring Accurate Data In Your CRM – Part 2: What to expect from a data quality specialist Read More »

Single Customer View Framework

Ensuring Accurate Data In Your CRM – Part 1: Benefits of solving data accuracy problems

It doesn’t matter what you sell or who you serve, the success of every business and organisation is dependent on helping customers. What are their pain points and how are you uniquely placed to solve them?  Finding out the right information and recording it in a way that is easily accessible to everyone in your

Ensuring Accurate Data In Your CRM – Part 1: Benefits of solving data accuracy problems Read More »

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