
Single Customer View

Address Validation

Address Validation: Understanding Location Intelligence

Having looked at why using an Address Validation service for your customer database is vitally important for effective business in our last blog post, this month we take a deeper, more technical dive into Intech’s solution to help you understand how it all works together to deliver the service known as location intelligence, and the benefits of the solution.

Address Validation: Understanding Location Intelligence Read More »

Single Entity View Single Customer View

Getting to ‘True’ with Single Customer View

Let me introduce you to Mr Peter Jones.
According to my customer database, he lives at 16 Cavendish Street in the Sydney suburb of Stanmore. However, I also have a record of a ‘P Jones’, who supposedly lives at 1/6 Cavendish Lane in the Sydney suburb of Enmore.
In my database, I also have a record of a ‘Pete F. Jones’ purchasing one of my company’s products, and another transaction, recorded several months later, where a ‘PF Jones’ orders the same item.
Who are these multiple mysterious ‘Mr Jones’ personages who are apparently residing in close vicinity to one another in the inner-city suburbs of Australia’s largest city, and purchasing similar products from my company?
Would it surprise you to learn that they are actually one and the same person?

Getting to ‘True’ with Single Customer View Read More »

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